The members are the heart of CSI: they share a strong commitment to promote citizen science in Italy, conduct CS projects or support them through research, communication or financing activities. Members also represent very different realities, such as research institutes, museums, students, universities, NGOs, civil society organizations and citizen scientists groups and come from rather diverse scientific fields, including biology, environmental sciences, astrophysics, social sciences, medicine.

Citizen Science Italia ETS is always open to new entries, all that is required is... a strong interest in Citizen Science!

Individual membership

  • Everyone can be associated: citizens, researchers, project coordinators, simple enthusiasts are welcome

Non-profit associations

  • Any other association that shares our purposes in the field of citizen science is unstoppable


  • Individual citizen science projects can also join Citizen Science Italia ETS

Institutions and profit institutions

  • Public institutions and profit institutions can make an important contribution to the growth of CSI

Would you like to join CSI? Socio CSI ?



N.B.: Nel caso di Associazioni, Istituzioni o progetti:
inserire i relativi dati adattandoli ai campi del modulo

Public institutions and profit institutions can make an important contribution to the growth of CSI

  1. Click on “subscription form” and fill out the form
  2. Follow the instructions in the confirmation email you will receive
  3. Credit the membership fee and wait for the receipt

Citizen Science Italia ETS
è una associazione del Terzo Settore iscritta al RUNTS

Prima di associarti leggi, se vuoi, lo statuto e il regolamento della nostra associazione

